Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

The following day, it was scrambled eggs again!

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

It's just as well I love eggs. But I did begin to wonder if the wishing well genie had heard my wish.
After breakfast, I helped tidy up the shop. Things were as quiet as ever.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

I decided to have a word with the wishing well genie.
"I'm still waiting for my wish to come true," I whispered.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

Then a thought came to me: if the genie was at the bottom of the well, he might not be able to hear me. Maybe I should talk a little louder. Or a lot louder.
I decided I might as well shout!

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

"Give me a sign, give me a sign," the wishing well echoed.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

That's it!" I thought.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

I ran to give Uncle-and-Auntie Pat the message.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

'He could be right," said Auntie Pat.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

"You need a new sign," I said. "So that motorists don't just whizz by." Uncle Pat scratched42 his head. "I suppose it's worth a try." he said at last.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

So we got to work

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

We didn't stop at making just one sign.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

We made lots and lots and lots.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

It took us all afternoon to put up the signs. They looked great.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)

No one could miss Wishing Well Farm now!

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Four)


bottom — дно
I might as well shout — пожалуй, я прокричу
echo — отдаваться эхом
trouble — (зд.) проблема
whizz — проноситься
scratch — чесать(ся), скрести(сь)
it's worth a try — это стоит попробовать

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