Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Five)

The next day, business began to pick up. Not dramatically, but bit by bit.
A sack of potatoes here...

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Five)

...and a punnet of strawberries there.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Five)

At one time we actually had three customers in the shop at once. That must have been a record!

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Five)

By the next week, things were even better. Word had spread about Wishing Well Farm.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Five)

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Five)

Uncle-and-Auntie Pat weren't likely to become millionaires, but business was better than it had been for years.

Uncle and Auntie Pat (Chapter Five)


dramatically — слишком быстро
bit by bit потихоньку
sack — мешок
punnet — круглая корзинка (для фруктов)
spread — распространять(ся)
takings — выручка
Uncle-and-Auntie Pat weren't likely to become millionaires, but business was better than it had been for years.- Маловероятно, что дядюшка и тетушка Пэт собирались стать миллионерами, но дела шли намного лучше, чем в предыдущие годы.

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