Great Britain and Ukraine's culture ties / Культурные связи Великобритании и Украины

Текст ниже средней сложности — Great Britain and Ukraine's culture ties / Культурные связи Великобритании и Украины

Great Britain and Ukraine have strong and constantly growing ties in culture, language study, politics, youth organizations development, student exchange programmes and military forces of both countries. There is the British Embassy in Kiev and there is the Ukrainian Embassy in London.

In Ukrainian cities, like Kiev, Kharkov, Lvov, Odessa and Donetsk, there are the British Councils. The British councils have rich libraries, full of English books in various spheres of culture, science, education, work, international experience, etc. University students, school students, language teachers, businessmen and all those, who enjoy English, have a wonderful opportunity to use the library resources; watch different films on video and DVD; listen to the contemporary British music; meet with the native speakers and what not. The office workers in the British Councils are always ready to help their visitors.

On the premises of the British Councils, Ukrainian learners of English and those, who want to go to study in Great Britain, are offered to sit internationally required types of English exams, such as SAT, TOEFL, IELTS. Taking part in different seminars, workshops and conferences is another opportunity for Ukrainian learners of English to enrich their language skills and share their culture views with other people.

Both governments of Great Britain and Ukraine seek numerous ways to continue the growth of common and friendly relations. Culture programmes and projects are regularly discussed and adopted. Their aim is to make the two nations closer to each other.

culture ties - культурные связи

student exchange programmes — программы по обмену студентов

the Embassy — посольство

international experience — международный опыт

the library resources — библиотечные фонды

the contemporary British music — современная британская музыка

internationally required English exams — экзамены по английскому языку международного уровня . SAT — Standard Assessment Test — экзамен для школьников (7—14 лет), целью которого является проверка знаний согласно национальной программе обучения в Англии и Уэльсе. TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language — экзамен для студентов, которые хотят учиться в университетах англоговорящих стран. IELTS — International English Language Testing System — экзамен для студентов, которые хотят учиться в университетах англоговорящих стран.

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