Museums and art centres in Great Britain / Музеи и художественные центры в Великобритании

Текст ниже средней сложности — Museums and art centres in Great Britain / Музеи и художественные центры в Великобритании

There are museums and art galleries in most cities. The museums and art galleries of Great Britain contain collections of artistic, archaeological, scientific, historical and general interest. The biggest museums are in London. The most famous of them are the British Museum, the Science Museum, the National Gallery, the Geological Museum and others.

The British Museum is one of the biggest in the world. It is more than a hundred years old. The library of the museum is also very big. The library has the right to have one copy of every publication, which is printed in Great Britain. There is a manuscript room in the library. Here you can see the Magna Charta and other important documents.

The National Gallery has works by Rubens, Goya, Leonardo da Vinci and other famous painters. There are more than 30 rooms in the gallery, and if you want you may even visit a lecture given by experts. The Science Museum has national collections of science, industry and medicine. There are many historic objects and some working models. Of great interest are also the Geological Museum, the National Maritime Museum, the London Museum and many others.

There are also many interesting museums in other cities and towns in Great Britain. For example, Oxford and Cambridge are rich in museums. The Ashmolean Museum m Oxford is the oldest in the world. It was built in 1683. Museums and art galleries in Great Britain are especially popular among tourist. They want to know more about the history of the country they visit.


a gallery — галерея

to contain — вмещать

a right — право

to print — печатать

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