Sports and games in the USA / Спорт и игры в США

Текст выше средней сложности — Sports and games in the USA / Спорт и игры в США

Sports and games attract a lot of children in the USA. American children of all ages have an opportunity to participate in special summer camps and workshops devoted to a particular kind of sports. Many children enthusiastically sign up for a two-week session of sports camp, where specialists teach and coach children in particulars of the sport children want to play. Nowadays, kickball is frequently played. Young adults find kickball a fun to play outside the school yard or in the backyard of their or anywhere else in their neighborhood. Kickball has gained its huge popularity among the youth. And there is a piece of uncertain hi story behind this fact.

No one is certain where or how kickball originated, although there are stories of American soldiers playing kickball during World War II. A decade ago, some friends in their 20s decided it would be fun to play one of their favorite childhood games — kickball. The group found a few others interested in playing kickball, and he World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA) was born.

"It caught on like wildfire," said Tiffany Ficklin, director of events and public relations for WAKA.

When WAKA's founders established the organization, they wanted more than a game. They wanted to enjoy a new way of socializing. They require со-ed teams and encouraging players to gather at bars and restaurants following games. Thus, help make WAKA what it calls itself on its Web site, "a social-athletic organization."

It should be mentioned that, unlike other American sports such as basketball, baseball or football, there is no national kickball league that sets kickball rules. So the way the game is played varies. WAKA has written its own set of rules, outlined in a copyrighted 12-page rule book. Rules address topics like how many players can be on the field (at least four males and four females at all times) and what counts as a "kick" (any ball touched by the toot or leg below the knee).

WAKA encourages social interaction through its annual national championship. Teams can compete to earn a spot in the "Founders Cup World Kickball Championship" to be held this year in September in Las Vegas.


workshops — семинары; мастер-классы

enthusiastically — с энтузиазмом; восторженно

to coach children — тренировать детей

frequently — часто

a new way of socializing — новый способ общения

to require smth or smb — требовать что-либо; требовать что-либо от кого-либо

to vary — различаться; отличаться

to encourage social interaction — поддерживать, поощрять общение

annual national championship — ежегодный национальный чемпионат

to earn a spot — завоевать место

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