Travelling around the USA / Путешествие по США

Текст выше средней сложности — Travelling around the USA / Путешествие по США

North Carolina awaits you!

The North Carolina coastline has vast and clean beaches that stretch from Cape Fear to the Crystal Coast and the Outer Banks. This historic state was first settled by the British in the 17th century. The original architecture adds character and gives a sense of a rich past. Traditional clap-board houses, situated not far from the beaches, have porches perfect for sipping mint julep on the swing seat. Travel in spring or fall, if you want to avoid the humidity of summer!

Go on exploring and:

  1. visit trendy Wilmington on Cape Fear and enjoy the regenerated city center with its stylish bars, boutiques and restaurants;
  2. take the Adventure Walking Tour to view splendid historical buildings of Wilmington;
  3. climb one of the landmark historical lighthouses that protect 300 miles of coastline, including Cape Hatteras (the tallest brick example in North America);
  4. visit the Wright Brothers National Memorial at Kitty Hawk (where the first powered aircraft flight was made by Orville and Wilbur in 1903):
  5. explore quaint Beaufort and learn about its long maritime history;
  6. take a boat to Shackleford Banks (home to the oldest herd of wild horses);
  7. wander around the Cape Lookout National Seashore reserve;
  8. shop for bargains at The Gap, Banana Republic and Nine West in Raleigh (the state capital);
  9. try Super Wal-Mart for rock-bottom prices or the Crabtree Valley Mall in the capital;
  10. enjoy local delicacies, such as fresh fish and iced tea, barbecued chicken with home-made coleslaw, fudge and peanut-butter-filled brittle. Finish you travel tour with French toast, crispy bacon and maple syrup at Big Ed's, and try the City Market of Raleigh tor authentic hospitality.

In Raleigh you can stay at the Crabtree Summit Hotel or rent a self-catering apartment right on the beach with tasteful and private accommodation.

There is much more to explore in North Carolina!


clapboard houses — дома с отделкой из дранки

to sip mint julep — потягивать мятный напиток из виски со льдом

the regenerated city center — возрожденный центр города

a lighthouse (s) — маяк

quaint — причудливый, чудной

maritime history — морская история

to wander around — бродить; пройтись по местности

rock-bottom prices — самые низкие цены

home-made coleslaw — салат из капусты, приготовленный в домашних условиях

a self-catering apartment — квартира, в которой есть условия самим готовить еду

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