Studying further / Дальнейшее обучение

Короткий диалог средней сложности — Studying further / Дальнейшее обучение

— Hello, Tanya!

— Hello, Dima!

— Tanya, in a month we will become young specialists and receive our first diploma!

— Yes, that was my dream to receive a diploma. It will help me to become independent and earn my own money!

— I agree with you. For me it is also an important stage in my life!

— What are you going to do afterwards? Have you thought about receiving M.A. diploma?

— I think, I will study further.

— But education gets more and more expensive. My parents hardly have money to pay for my studies.

— I am sure, better education brings better opportunities to find a job. Besides, you have one diploma, you may start working and pay for your studies yourself.

— O.K. I will think about it. Thanks for your advice.

— I wish you good luck!

— Thank you!

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