In Georgetown / В Джорджтауне

Короткий диалог выше средней сложности — In Georgetown / В Джорджтауне

Jim: Look, Crystal, there is the shoe store we've been looking for. It's just across the street.

Crystal: Wait! You can't cross the street in the middle of the blocks! We have to cross at the corner.

Jim: All right All right, Crystal. How much time are we going to waste in the shoe store?

Crystal: Jim, we are going to spend time there. I've got to buy clogs and some sandals. I hope it takes an hour only.

Jim: An hour? Oh, my! Well, but I also have to buy some summer shoes for myself.

Crystal: Right. Here is the deal: we spend as much time as needed in the shoe store and then go anywhere you want. Agree?

Jim: Anywhere I want? That's: a rejuvenating lunch, the Old Stone House and Dumbarton Oaks tours. I do agree to that!

Crystal: Oh, Jim. You are always looking for your own benefit! Good. That's the deal!

Jim: The shoe store, first! We cross the street here.

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