Sightseeing in Washington D.C. / Достопримечательности Вашингтона округ Колумбия

Диалог выше средней сложности — Sightseeing in Washington D.C. / Достопримечательности Вашингтона округ Колумбия

Danielle: Well, James, what would you like to see in Washington D.C.?

James: First, I'd like to see the Capitol. I've heard a lot about it from my friends. They say it's a magnificent building. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Where would you like to go, Danielle?

Danielle: I've got a leaflet here, telling about the museums in D.C. My friend from Pittsburgh has been to several museums here. She says they are "a-must-to-visit" with everyone in D.C.

James: Ok. What kind of museums are there in your leaflet?

Danielle: Let me see. Oh, here is the National Museum of American History, the National Building Museum, the National Air and Space Museum and also some art galleries.

James: The National Air and Space Museum sounds good to me. What do you think?

Danielle: As for me. I'd rather go to the National Museum of American History and probably to several galleries of art.

James: Let's make a deal, then. Since we have the whole day in D.C. and there are tons of museums and different buildings here. Maybe we can go to the National Museum of American History and some art gallery — for you, and to the Capitol and to the National Air and Space Museum — for me. How do you like the idea?

Danielle: It sounds like a plan, James Good job for the quick thinking!

James: Thanks. Shall we start our sightseeing journey right now?

Danielle: We shall. Let me only buy a bottle of Coke and some pretzels.

James. Right. We have to eat some snack.

Danielle: Come on. This way, James

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