Visiting London Theatres / Посещение Лондонских Театров

Короткий диалог выше средней сложности — Visiting London Theatres / Посещение Лондонских Театров

— Hello, Dima! I haven't seen you for ages!

— Hello, Masha! I have just returned from Great Britain!

— Really? How interesting! How did you spend your time there?

— I visited theatres and cinemas.

— Great! Did you visit London theatres?

— Some of them. There are more than 50 theatres in London!

— Which did you like the most?

— I liked the Mermaid Theatre in London, which performs modern plays, and the National Youth Theatre, whose members are all young people.

— Did you visit the National Opera House as well?

— There is no "National Opera House", but the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden. The English National Opera performs operas, sung in English, at the London Coliseum.

— Did you watch the Royal Ballet?

— Of course, I adore ballet. The Royal Ballet tours all over the world, I was happy to watch one of its performances.

— I am sure you had an interesting stay in Britain.

— Yes, I dream about visiting this country again.

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